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Video & Audio demos

We keep up to date with today's popular hits as well as all the favourite classics. Here are just some demos of the old and new songs performed LIVE.

遊弦活樂線上音樂節 HxM Music Festival ON AIR! VoSSa

遊弦活樂線上音樂節 HxM Music Festival ON AIR! VoSSa

遊弦活樂線上音樂節邀請了十隊表演團隊,以網上直播的形式,在別具特色的歷史建築內,為大家帶來連串不同種類的音樂節目。由1月22號 (五) 開始,先有3隊表演團體以爵士、DJ及流行音樂打頭陣,緊接有古典音樂、南音及傳統中樂表演豐富週末生活,最後以無伴奏合唱為音樂節畫上完美句號。   HxM Music Festival ON AIR! a three-day music concert consisting of 10 performing groups spanning across various music genres, with the context of historical heritage, to be live-streamed and enjoyed at the comfort of your own home. Kicking off Friday (22 Jan) night, we have 3 awesome groups spicing the first evening with jazz, DJ and pop music. The marathon weekend is packed with music from classical, jazz, Cantonese opera, traditional Chinese with delightful a cappella concluding the Sunday evening.   演出單位 Performers: 22/ 1 (五 Fri) 18:00 – 19:00 - 符致逸 Adrian Fu, 嘉賓 Guest: 林德信Alex Lam 20:00 – 21:00 - 馬瑋謙 Ma Wai Him X 三元四喜 Zenwester     22:00 – 23:00 -  VoSSa   23/ 1 (六 Sat) 12:00 – 13:00 - 香港中樂團彈撥小組 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Plucked-string Ensemble 15:00 – 16:00 - 李家謙 Nero Lee X 郭啟輝Kwok Kai-fai X 蕭穎芝 Pamela Siu 20:00 – 21:00 - 孫圉Johnny SUN Yu X 李嘉齡 Colleen Lee, 嘉賓 Guests: 關統安 Anna Kwan X 陳詩韻 Amelia Chan X 嚴天成 Patrick Yim  22:00 – 23:00 - Nate Wong & Wong Way Down   24/ 1 (日 Sun) 12:00 – 13:00 - 馮智恆Eric Fung X 張緯晴 Rachel Cheung 15:00 – 16:00 - 鳳凰四重奏Phoenix Quartet 20:00 – 21:00 - VSing 吾聲   #虎豹樂圃 #遊弦活樂 #音樂節 #網上直播 #中樂 #西樂 #爵士 #古典音樂 #HawParMusic #HeritagexMusicFestival #musicfestival #livestreaming #ChineseMusic #WesternMusic #Jazz #ClassicaMusic

VoSSa - Audio demos

Marry Me - Ela Alegre

Featured at the movie Bride Wars 2015.
Recorded at Drum Music.

My Bestfriend - Ela Alegre

Featured at the movie Bride Wars 2015.
Recorded at Drum Music.

Chandelier - Sia

Cover by Ela Alegre.

Dreams - Fleetwood Mac

DJ lounge style cover by Ela Alegre.

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